One of the best investing books that can help you to lower your portfolio fees, lessen your investment risk exposure, and increase your retained investment returns
This article reviews a no load funds investment book that is one of the most useful personal investment books you will find. Named Low Cost Mutual Funds and ETFs, this investment education book addresses the biggest challenge that many personal investors are confronted with: investing fees which are much too excessive.
Also, the book provides a clear and easy to understand description concerning what works regarding individual investing strategies, and it summarizes straight forward how-to information. With this book it is easy to find the lowest cost index mutual funds and exchange-traded funds.
This book lists the 212 very lowest cost no load index mutual funds in 30 different asset categories, plus it lists 208 very lowest cost ETFs in 27 separate categories. All these lists are screened with factors supported by academic investment research that are explained in this useful investing book. These top no load funds and ETF lists offer a full spectrum of low cost no load mutual fund and ETF choices for any investor.
This very useful book of over 250 pages was written and researched by Larry Russell, who is an experienced financial advisor in Pasadena, California who has degrees from MIT, Brandeis University, and Stanford University.
The problem with long term investments: The great majority of investors pay far too much in investing fees and costs and receive far too little in exchange for these costs
Charging individual investors extremely high for its purportedly greater insight, the vast majority of the financial services industry really just feeds on the returns and assets of individual investors without contributing net positive value. In a nutshell, you are simply a financial services industry revenue and profit center.
The investment industry makes the investing process overly and unnecessarily complex, by flooding the market with complex investment products and services that are unjustifiably expensive. Then, the investment industry provides self-interested and biased “free advice” on selecting investments, and this is the most costly “free advice” naïve investors will receive in their lives. Without looking for less expensive investment services and products, such as the best no load funds listed in this book, investors are far more likely to receive recommendations to buy these excessively costly securities services and products.
Unjustifiably expensive securities products and services are your real enemy as you invest. The more that you allow the financial industry take from you, the less your family will have. Keep your assets. You do not have to participate in this unfair game.
With the help of this Low Cost Mutual Funds and ETFs investment book you can quickly reduce your long term investment fees, reduce your portfolio risk, and enhance your retained investing earnings. Reducing your investing fees down to the bone is the most significant investment strategy available to you.
For decades, inexpensive noload mutual funds and more recently lowest cost exchange-traded funds have produced better returns accounting for risk. After taxes and costs have been accounted for, investors simply hold on to more of their investment return. In addition, investors who buy lowest cost index funds reduce risk, expend much less effort, are not subjected to pressure sales tactics, experience much less hassle, plus save time on their retirement investments.
You can make your own investments directly with investment funds, and you can a better job of it. All you need is correct investment information. For some absolutely straight investment education information on what actually works with individual investments get this book.
Information about the top no load funds and ETFs in this investment education book
This investing book provides lists of 212 lowest cost noload mutual funds and 208 lowest cost ETFs in 30 and 27 separate classes, respectively. Included noload mutual funds and index ETFs are characterized by having no sales loads, no marketing charges, and the lowest management fees. In addition, included index funds have significantly reduced investment portfolio turnover which is associated with lower securities trading expenses.
The listings of noload mutual funds and ETFs cover:
- Global, international, and US multi-cap, large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap stock investment funds with low costs with growth and value equity investment funds
- US, global, and international long-, intermediate-, and short-term government, treasury, corporate, municipal, and inflation protected fixed income investment funds with low costs
- Money funds and real estate funds with low costs
With this book you can select a lowest cost retirement investment portfolio which is fully diversified by investment asset class and geography
Your savings with this useful noload mutual funds investment book
Depending upon how big your portfolio is, this modestly priced investment education book would save you hundreds or thousands of dollars year in and year out. If you lower your total long term investment expenses and costs by just a single percent of assets a year and you have a no load mutual fund investment portfolio of $10,000, your investment savings will be $100 per year. If you have $50,000, you would save $500 each year. If you have $100,000, you would save $1,000 per year. Because total annual investment fees and expenses paid by the average individual investor add up to between 2% and 2 & 1/2% a year, the great majority of investors would in reality save two percent annually. Therefore, these annual investing savings on total fees and expenses savings could be double per year — across their entire lives.
Some might think: “Sure this is what I could save, however when I spend more, I would receive higher investment yields.” Sorry, unfortunately financial research clearly will not justify paying more in costs for either sales load or no load bond funds. These are just a few financial research quotes from this book:
- “109 of these 111 comparisons indicated that higher bond expenses meant lower returns.”
- “Annual under performance of the broker-sold funds at $4.6 billion dollars…and $9.8 billion in 12b-1 fees … other distribution fees such as loads.”
- “The inferiority of active investment strategies … across the various countries, when the time horizon increases active strategies are increasingly inferior.”
If you actually think you will receive better investment return, when you pay increased fees versus reduced expenses, then you really do need to get and read this important investing book! This added investor education information helps this to be one of the best books on investing out there.
Summary of author’s background
This individual investor book, by Lawrence Russell has been written with his objective and in-depth knowledge concerning what really works in personal financial practices and retirement investment methods. He is a knowledgeable fee only financial planner in the Pasadena and LA, California area. His stated objective is “to improve people’s knowledge and improve their capability in managing their own finance and long term investment situations.”
Larry is the author and publisher of many personal finance publications on the web and the designer and developer of automated home lifetime financial planning software. Across decades, Larry has extensive knowledge in finance, economics, investments, taxation, accounting, probability, statistics, software development, and web technologies. Over twenty-five years, he worked as an executive and manager in the software industry with firms like Sun Microsystems and Hewlett-Packard.
Retiring from the industry in 2001, Larry started a systematic and in-depth reading of the research literature that affected retirement investments and financial planning for his own interest. To make this research literature better available for individual investors, during 2003, he started to author and publish finance and investments academic research article summaries on his oldest how to invest money education website, The Skilled Investor. From 2003, Larry has authored and published in excess of 1,000 investments and personal finance postings across a half-dozen of his personal finance and investing sites. A portion of this personal finance book was drawn from these web articles, and links provided in this ebook enable you to explore his investing and personal finance websites.
Also in 2003, Larry started to develop sophisticated and highly customizable do-it-yourself lifetime financial planning software. This investing and personal finance software worksheet, VeriPlan, was developed at the beginning to serve as a personal finance decision support application for financial advisory customers. In 2006, he started to design and develop an individual user configuration of VeriPlan which home individuals can use themselves. VeriPlan is now the most sophisticated and highly customizable do-it-yourself life cycle personal finance software that is available on the public market for much less than competitors investments and personal finance software tools.