US Mid Capitalization Value and Growth Stock Index Fund
Find the lowest cost mid cap stock index fund investments
This page offers a listing of the lowest fee mid cap stock index fund mutual funds investments. This list of the least expensive value and growth index investment funds in the middle capitalization asset class tends to be relatively stable over the years. Individual shareholders in the lowest charge index mutual funds are more likely to be devoted to the relatively few index mutual fund companies which promote the most economical index mutual funds investments.
Investors in the lowest cost index mutual fund investments learn that lower cost leads to superior net returns as the years go by. US mid capitalization value and growth stock index mutual fund investments probably will not have better gross investment returns before investment charges and taxes. Rather, index mutual fund investments pursue the midpoint center or average market investment performance, and they are not intended to outdo the market.
Nevertheless, the less expensive costs of mid cap value and growth index investment funds help shareholders to retain significantly more of the market’s return instead of having to share market investment returns with the securities industry by having to pay nonessential investment charges. Over time, owners of index funds tend to outdo investors paying nonessential charges to the securities industry.
Lowest cost US mid capitalization value and growth stock index funds
Fund Name — Expense Ratio — Ticker Symbol
- Fidelity Mid Cap Growth Index Fund — 0.05% expense ratio — FMDGX
- Fidelity Mid Cap Value Index Fund — 0.05% expense ratio — FIMVX
- Vanguard Mid-Cap Growth Index Fund Admiral — 0.07% expense ratio — VMGMX
- Vanguard Mid-Cap Value Index Fund Admiral — 0.07% expense ratio — VMVAX
- Vanguard Selected Value Fund — 0.33% expense ratio — VASVX
- View: low cost index mutual funds investments
- See the index funds prospectus document to be aware of limits and levies, along with buying, sales, and brokerage fees which may apply. Low cost index funds may be not open for additional investors.
The table’s initially listed lowest expense index mutual funds investment is the Fidelity Mid Cap Growth Index Fund that trades with the FMDGX ticker symbol. The Fidelity Mid Cap Growth Index Fund has the lowest expense management expense percentage in this value and growth index mutual funds grouping.
The chart’s following listed lowest fee index mutual fund investment is the Fidelity Mid Cap Value Index Fund, that includes the FIMVX trading ticker symbol. The Fidelity Mid Cap Value Index Fund has the low charge portfolio management expense ratio in this mid cap stock index fund asset class.
The chart’s following included lowest cost index mutual funds investment is the Vanguard Mid-Cap Growth Index Fund Admiral, which carries the VMGMX ticker trading symbol. The Vanguard Mid-Cap Growth Index Fund Admiral prospectus has the low cost portfolio management expense ratio in this mid cap stock index fund mutual funds classification.
The figure’s subsequently included low portfolio cost index fund is the Vanguard Mid-Cap Value Index Fund Admiral with the VMVAX ticker trading symbol. The Vanguard Mid-Cap Value Index Fund Admiral has the low expense management expense ratio in this mid cap stock index funds asset class category.
The chart’s following included lowest management expense index mutual fund is the Vanguard Selected Value Fund that is purchased and sold with the VASVX trading ticker symbol. The Vanguard Selected Value Fund provides the low fee management expense ratio in this mid cap stock index fund asset class category.