Low expense ratio, top ten large cap value mutual funds
This investing analysis covers much lower expense large cap value mutual funds. In this summary, we consider the top 10 large cap value mutual funds, which have much lower investment fees compared to the average large cap value mutual fund. The primary goal of this report is to list lower expense large cap, no load value mutual funds, since lower investment management expense ratios are key, when you are choosing the best large cap value funds. This investment summary explains the reasoning.
Top ten large cap value mutual funds with the lowest investment fees
- Vanguard Value Index – Admiral
- 0.14% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- n/a — taxable account minimum investment
- VVIAX — ticker symbol
- Vanguard Value Index – Investor
- 0.26% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- $3,000 — taxable account minimum investment
- VIVAX — ticker symbol
- Vanguard Windsor II – Admiral
- 0.27% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- n/a — taxable account minimum investment
- VWNAX — ticker symbol
- American Beacon Large Cap Value AMR
- 0.36% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- n/a — taxable account minimum investment
- AAGAX — ticker symbol
- Vanguard Windsor II – Investor
- 0.38% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- $10,000 — taxable account minimum investment
- VWNFX — ticker symbol
- Fidelity Large Cap Value Enhanced Index
- 0.45% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- n/a — taxable account minimum investment
- FLVEX — ticker symbol
- Dodge & Cox Stock Fund
- 0.52% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- $1,000 — taxable account minimum investment
- DODGX — ticker symbol
- Invesco Van Kampen Growth and Income Y
- 0.63% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- $250 — taxable account minimum investment
- ACGMX — ticker symbol
- Invesco Van Kampen Comstock Y
- 0.64% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- $250 — taxable account minimum investment
- ACSDX — ticker symbol
- Invesco Large Cap Relative Value Y
- 0.69% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- $250 — taxable account minimum investment
- MSIVX — ticker symbol
Best large cap value mutual funds with much lower investment expenses
Lower cost investment funds tend to do a superior job of serving the financial interests of investors. More costly investment firm funds cut into mutual fund performance returns, because these higher costs continually pull on average investors’ handbags and wallets year after year.
This listing of minimum cost top 10 large cap value funds is ranked with the lowest cost investment funds first. Nevertheless, all of these value investment funds have relatively low costs. See the notes below to learn more how the list was determined.
Value mutual funds will usually not track broad stock market performance closely and, instead, will tend to move contrary to the overall market sometimes. However, the financial research literature indicates that is you are going to chose between a large cap growth mutual fund versus a value mutual fund “tilt” to a stock portfolio, at least, historically a “value tilt” has achieved better cumulative long-term performance.
While the lower cost funds on this list tend to have quite low turnover, their turnover and trading costs will be higher than a fully passive Top 10 S&P 500 index fund that targets a broadly diversified US stock market index return. So pay attention to turnover in addition to all other factors that are relevant to you.
Notes about how this no sales charge investing funds list has been formulated.
Lists of very low cost investment funds usually are relatively unchanging and stable across time. The rationale is very understandable and straightforward. When an investment fund family competes with very low cost investment funds rather than with more risky and more costly tactically active trading strategies, then that investment fund firm strategically usually intends to keep competing on lowest cost investment funds. When that investment fund firm markets passively managed, low fee, and low turnover index funds, that company most often will continue offering similar products.
However, information on this listing of much lower cost investment company funds could have become different after this investment summary was edited, and it is your personal responsibility to check any data and information, prior to making any kind of financial decision.
These are our mechanical database selection processes that were used to develop this list of these very low cost investment firm funds:
- DATABASE SELECTION PROCESSES: Our mechanical data base selection processes were employed on large investment fund databases which were thought to encompass essentially all of available investing funds.
- SELECTING LOW COST NO LOAD INVESTING FUNDS IS THE PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: The main objective was to identify very low cost no sales load investing funds. This listing of these very low cost no load investment funds was selected to try to exclude those investment company funds assessing sales fees which are either front-end loads, level loads, or back-end sales loads. This investment fund listing also has attempted to remove those investing funds which assess 12b-1 sales fees, although these 12b1 fees sometimes can be hard to determine.
- SCREENED INVESTMENT FUNDS OFTEN ARE PASSIVE INDEX INVESTMENT FUNDS: Because low cost noload investment funds usually are passive index funds, they also usually have far lower securities portfolio turnover versus the higher securities portfolio turnover characterized by non-index tracking, tactically active funds. Lesser asset turnover is correlated with lesser asset brokerage and trading fees and costs. Screened funds are very often passively managed index tracker funds, as such much lower cost investing structures are unable to fund such more risky and more costly active investment strategies.
- FUND PERFORMANCE HISTORY TENDS TO BE MUCH LESS RELIABLE THAN SELECTING LOWER COST NOLOAD INVESTOR FUNDS: Regarding ETFs and investment fund performance, too many amateur individual investors follow fund performance history hoping to find the top performing mutual funds in the future. Doing this tends to be an inferior strategy, because fund performance history is much less useful than picking low cost no sales charge index investment firm funds that are characterized by low fees, low turnover, and passive management.
- LOW COSTS ARE WHY YOUR PORTFOLIO CAN EARN ENHANCED INVESTMENT FUND PERFORMANCE: If you buy very low cost no load index investment company funds, their innately low costs are the fundamental reason why your investments can obtain higher level index fund performance and ETF exchange traded securities performance yields. When you purchase lowest cost index investor funds, then expect to obtain ETF exchange traded products and mutual fund returns that track the underlying diversified index minus the lower costs you need to pay and a relatively small error in tracking the index.
- TOTAL ASSET VALUE AND INVESTMENT FUND AGE: Regarding the total assets of these lowest cost investment funds and time that they have been in existance, most hold a minimum of a hundred million dollars of total invested assets and have been operating a minimum of three years.
- AVAILABLE TO ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT ASSETS: Most of these much lower cost investing funds were open for additional money at the time of writing. These investor funds might be accessible to investors either via directly bought funds, though low cost stock brokers, or solely via an institutional plan open to particular investors. Probably the better method to find out about how to invest in any of these low cost investing funds is to perform a search using your favorite search engine with the investment fund name and investment fund ticker symbol.
- ZERO DUE DILIGENCE, EVALUATION, OR ANALYSIS: Solely numerical data base selection processes were employed. Absolutely No due diligence, evaluation, or analysis of any kind was performed with any of the investor funds.
Statistical securities investing research reports compellingly prove that lesser cost investment expenses are strongly contributory toward higher level investment fund plus ETF exchange traded products performance yields. The financial asset trading marketplace isn’t a safe place for the average investor to attempt to get better returns with more active but necessarily more expensive investing stratagems which usually will lead to inferior returns.
As a matter of fact pro active asset managers usually won’t get better returns once their greater investment fund management expenses, higher trading expenses, plus higher investment taxes are calculated. The greater the investment firm management expenses, trading fees, and investment taxes, the lesser the net investment performance returns to investors. Investment fund asset managers can’t capture sufficiently high performance returns to counterbalance their increased management fees, brokerage costs, and taxes. Intrinsically, these increased and unwarranted investment management expense ratios, brokerage costs, and trading taxes make ordinary investors receive poorer real investment returns. Ordinary investors spend more and take home less.
To get more financial reports that discuss the increased and unjustified management fees, brokerage sales fees, and trading taxes associated with investment funds read these investing research studies:
- No Load Mutual Funds addresses 7 important elements that may aid individual investors with selecting the top noload mutual funds plus exchange traded products or ETFs.
- Also, to find least expensive S&P 500 funds see: Top 10 S&P 500 mutual funds
- Concerning bond funds performance and management expenses read: Best Fixed Income Funds.
IMPORTANT: Our listing of the investment firm funds has been compiled by using numerical data base screening methods which removed investment company funds which didn’t meet the selection criteria listed previously. Zero analysis, evaluation, or due diligence of any sort has been done on any of the investment funds on this list. Our list of investment firm funds is only for your convenience. This list is NOT a solicitation or offer to sell securities, is NOT an offer of any financial services, and is NOT investment advice. This list may not be complete. There could be errors with this information and data and it could be out of date. Also, there could be errors in or problems with the underlying databases, the automated data base selection methods used, and/or the editing, publication, and transcription. It is entirely and solely your responsibility to verify all and any data and information, before you make any personal financial decision.