Selecting No Load Mutual Funds

Mid Cap Stock Index Fund

US Mid Capitalization Value and Growth Stock Index Fund Find the lowest cost mid cap stock index fund investments This page offers a listing of the lowest fee mid cap stock index fund mutual funds investments. This list of the least expensive value and growth index investment funds in the middle capitalization asset class tends […]

US Mid Cap Stock Fund

US Mid-Cap Stock Fund Investments List of the lowest cost mid cap stock index mutual funds This section provides a list of very economical US mid cap stock index mutual funds investments. This list of the lowest cost index mutual funds in the mid cap stock asset class is more liable to be consistent over […]

Choose Mature Noload Mutual Funds

Investing in more mature stock and bond mutual funds and exchanged-traded funds (ETFs) allows you to evaluate the historical consistency of a fund’s record. On average, the future portfolio returns of more mature funds are probably no more predictable than for very young funds with a similar style or strategy. However, the record of accomplishment […]

A useful low cost noload mutual funds and ETFs book

One of the best investing books that can help you to lower your portfolio fees, lessen your investment risk exposure, and increase your retained investment returns This article reviews a no load funds investment book that is one of the most useful personal investment books you will find. Named Low Cost Mutual Funds and ETFs, this investment […]

7 Ways to Pick the Best Noload Mutual Funds and ETFs

Scientific Criteria for Selecting Top No Load Mutual Funds and the Best Mutual Funds and ETFs People simply want to invest in what they hope will be the top no load mutual funds and the best noload mutual funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs). They want selection criteria that can lead to a higher probability […]

The Best No Load Mutual Funds and ETFs

How to Select the Top No Load Mutual Funds and ETFs Given the extremely large number and variety of stock – equity, bond – fixed income, and equity mutual funds and ETFs, investors need a rational basis to select among them. For example, there are over 60,000 different mutual fund investment share classes sold worldwide. […]

Avoid Very Small Mutual Funds and ETFs

If you are going to invest in actively managed mutual funds, then these funds need to have a sufficiently large asset base to fund the necessary securities research and analysis. If an active fund is too small, then fund securities research, analysis, and management quality can suffer or fees could grow. Passively managed index funds […]

The Best Mutual Funds Have NO Sales Loads and NO 12b-1 Fees

Sales loads and other 12b1 fees just pay financial advisors to recommend more expensive mutual funds and ETFs There is no good evidence that investment sales loads and other 12b-1 sales fees charged to investors result in higher mutual fund and ETF performance. In fact, the opposite has repeatedly been shown to be true. Find […]

The Best Noload Mutual Funds Have VERY LOW Portfolio Turnover

Higher mutual fund turnover means higher securities trading costs, which reduce investment fund performance. Short-term mutual fund trading is a zero sum game played against other very well informed mutual fund traders and other securities market traders. On average, higher mutual fund turnover is far more likely to result in lower investment fund performance — […]

Avoid Large Actively Managed Mutual Funds

Big mutual fund portfolio positions and higher percentage ownership of any company’s stocks and bonds are not good for actively managed mutual fund performance. These big positions and high percentages are not good for your personal investment portfolio either. Large size constrains how a fund can trade and how efficiently it can do so. When […]

Inferior Mutual Fund Performance

Screen Out Inferior Mutual Fund Performance — BUT ONLY AFTER using other ETF and mutual fund selection criteria Superior or even average mutual fund performance in the past simply DOES NOT predict similar fund performance in the future. Find Home Financial Planning Software Discover Family Financial Planning Software Find Family Financial Planning Software Discover Home […]

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