Lowest expense top 10 large cap core mutual funds
This financial report discusses very low cost large cap core mutual funds. In this article, we enumerate the top ten large cap core mutual funds that have much lower investment fund management expense ratios than the typical large cap core mutual fund.
The key objective of this summary is to list much lower expense ratio large cap core index funds, because lowest investment costs are vital, when you are selecting the best large cap core mutual funds. This investing summary also explains why.
Top large cap core mutual funds with low investment fund management expenses
- State Farm Growth
- 0.13% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- $250 — taxable account minimum investment
- STFGX — ticker symbol
- Bridgeway Blue Chip 35 Index
- 0.15% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- $2,000 — taxable account minimum investment
- BRLIX — ticker symbol
- Vanguard Tax-Managed Growth & Income — Admiral
- 0.15% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- $100,000 — taxable account minimum investment
- VTGLX — ticker symbol
- GE S&S Program Mutual Fund
- 0.19% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- N/A — taxable account minimum investment
- GESSX — ticker symbol
- Vanguard Growth & Income — Admiral
- 0.21% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- $100,000 — taxable account minimum investment
- VGIAX — ticker symbol
- Vanguard Tax-Managed Growth & Income
- 0.21% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- $10,000 — taxable account minimum investment
- VTGIX — ticker symbol
- Elfun Trusts
- 0.23% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- $500 — taxable account minimum investment
- ELFNX — ticker symbol
- Vanguard FTSE Social Index Inv
- 0.29% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- $3,000 — taxable account minimum investment
- VFTSX — ticker symbol
- Vanguard Growth & Income
- 0.35% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- $3,000 — taxable account minimum investment
- VQNPX — ticker symbol
- Schwab 1000 Index
- 0.38% — annual management expense ratio including 12b-1 fee (if any)
- $100 — taxable account minimum investment
- SNXFX — ticker symbol
Top 10 large cap core mutual funds with lower investment fund management expenses
Lowest cost investment firm funds normally do a more dependable job of serving the financial interests of individual investors. Higher fee investment funds bring down exchange traded fund and mutual fund performance returns by continually pulling on the average investor’s wallets and handbags.
This list of much lower expense ratio and therefore best large cap core mutual funds has been ranked with the least expensive investment company fund first. Nevertheless, every one of these investment firm funds is one of the most low priced of large cap core funds that are not strictly no-load S&P 500 index mutual funds. Yet, pay attention to their levels of turnover and the number of different common stocks that these large cap core mutual funds hold. If you are looking for the very lowest cost S&P 500 index fund, use the Sitemap to find a listing of Top 10 S&P 500 Index Funds, which may have even lower expenses and minimal turnover. Also, you should study the notes underneath that understand how this particular top 10 mutual funds listing has been prepared.
How this noload investing funds listing has been prepared.
Lists of lowest cost investment funds tend to be very stable and unchanging over periods of time. The causes are rather simple and straightforward. If an investment company competes on very low cost investing funds rather than with more risky and more costly tactically active investment systems, then that investment fund firm will usually keep competing on lower cost investor funds. When that investment company sells low fee, passively managed, and low turnover index funds, that company most often will keep marketing the same.
However, info about this list of lowest cost investment funds certainly may have altered after this financial summary was edited and published, and it is your responsibility to check any data and information, prior to making any kind of personal financial decision. There are a variety of sources that you could consult such as Morningstar.com, Yahoo Finance, Google finance, Lipper, or perhaps an advisor such as the Fisher Investments Firm. These entities and others have the data and/or expertise to evaluate these low cost funds and other investment alternatives.
These are our automated data base screening processes that were used to derive our list of these very low cost investment company funds:
- DATABASE SCREENING PROCESSES: The automated database selection methods were performed on large investment fund data sets which should represent almost the universe of available investment funds.
- SELECTING LOWEST COST NO LOAD INVESTMENT FIRM FUNDS IS THE MAIN GOAL: Our primary goal was to select very low cost noload investment company funds. These very low cost noload investment company funds has been screened to try to exclude any investment firm funds charging sales loads which would be either back-end loads, level loads, or front-end sales loads. Our investment company fund list additionally has tried to remove those investment company funds which charge 12b1 fees, although these 12b1 sales fees sometimes may be difficult to determine.
- SELECTED INVESTMENT FUNDS USUALLY ARE PASSIVELY MANAGED INDEX FUNDS: Because lower cost no sales load investment company funds tend to be more passively managed index tracking funds, these funds also most often have far lower securities portfolio turnover churning than the higher asset turnover that characterizes non-index based, active investing funds. Lower asset turnover tends to be associated with lower asset portfolio brokerage and trading expenses and fees. Therefore, screened funds more often are passively managed, index tracker funds, since such very low cost money management models are unable to support more risky and more costly active investing strategies.
- FUND RATING INFORMATION IS LIKELY TO BE FAR LESS RELIABLE THAN SELECTING LOWER COST NO LOAD INVESTOR FUNDS: Concerning ETFs and mutual fund returns, a lot of amateur ordinary investors follow fund performance history trying to select the best mutual funds for the future. Doing this is the errand of a fool, since historical fund performance is far less useful than choosing lower cost no sales load index investment firm funds with passive management, low turnover, and low fees.
- MUCH LOWER COSTS ARE WHY YOUR ASSETS CAN OBTAIN BETTER FUND RETURNS: If you buy very low cost no sales charge index investor funds, their innately low costs are why your assets can yield enhanced mutual funds performance and exchange traded products or ETF performance yields. If you purchase lowest cost index investment funds, then expect to obtain ETF exchange traded products and mutual funds performance results that target the underlying index less the low costs you need to pay and a relatively small error in tracking the index.
- TOTAL INVESTED ASSETS AND INVESTING FUND AGE: Concerning the total asset value of these low cost investment funds and time they have existed, most have a minimum of a hundred million of total invested assets and have existed for at least three years.
- AVAILABLE FOR NEW INVESTOR ASSETS: Most of these lower cost investment company funds were thought to be available to additional investor money when this article was written. These investing funds may be accessible for ordinary investors either though direct purchases, though low cost stock brokers, or solely via an institutional arrangement for specific participants. Usually the best way to find out about the mechanics of investing in these lowest cost investing funds would be to perform a search with your preferred online search facility using the investment firm name or investment fund ticker symbol.
- NO ANALYSIS, EVALUATION, OR DUE DILIGENCE: Solely numerical data set screening processes were employed. Absolutely No evaluation, due diligence, or analysis of any kind was performed on any of these investment company funds.
Scholarly investment research studies systematically point out that lowest cost investment fund fees have a strong positive correlation with better investment fund and ETF exchange traded securities performance returns. The asset securities investing marketplace is no good place for individual investors to endeavor to beat the market with tactically active but inevitably costly investing schemes which most often will fail.
Even professional active money managers usually don’t do better than the market after their higher investment management expenses, higher trading expenses, and increased capital gains taxes are added in. The higher the investing management expenses, trading expenses, and trading taxes, the lesser the net investment returns for the average investor. Investment firm asset managers don’t capture high enough yields to counterbalance the higher management expenses, brokerage fees, and capital gains taxes. Thus, these increased and excessive investment management expenses, brokerage costs, and investment taxes make individual investors get lower actual investment performance returns. You pay more and receive less.
To find additional investing reports that discuss the greater and unwarranted management expense ratios, brokerage firm trading fees, plus taxes that come along with investment funds study these financial research papers:
- Best NoLoad Mutual Funds addresses 7 substantive factors which can aid investors with selecting the best no load mutual funds and ETFs.
- Additionally, for least costly S&P 500 index funds see: Best 10 SP 500 index funds
- Focused on best bond fund management expense ratios study: Best Fixed Income Mutual Funds.
IMPORTANT: Our listing of the investor funds was compiled by using mechanical database screening methods which eliminated investor funds which didn’t meet the screening criteria listed above. Zero evaluation, analysis, or due diligence of any kind has been performed with any of the investment company funds listed here. This listing of investing funds is solely for your information. This list is NOT a solicitation or offer to sell securities, is NOT investment advice, and is NOT an offer of any financial services. This list might not be complete. There could be problems with this information and data and it could be out dated. In addition, there might be problems with or errors in the databases accessed, the mechanical data base selection methods that were used, and/or the publication, editing, and transcription. It is solely and entirely your responsibility to verify any and all information and data, before you make any kind of financial decision.